Queries and Quests

This week was a momentous occasion for me as a writer.

I sent out my first query letter to a real-live, actual agent.

It’s an incredible feeling, having a novel that I feel ready to share with a professional.  Having a query letter that explains what happens.  Having taken that first baby step out into the world of actually publishing.

I soon found myself getting really excited.  The more query letters I send out, the better chance I have of getting an email someday asking for a partial- or full- manuscript.  Someday I might actually get PAID for all the hard work I’ve put into this novel.  Wow.

Now, to be realistic, this probably won’t happen for a while.  One blogger buddy I follow has an outstanding MS, a delightful query letter, has been submitting for many months, and has come up empty (even after several full-MS requests).  So obviously I’m not trying to get my hopes up too much.  But it’s fun to dream.  To speculate.  To hope.  To reference Doctor Who:


I think that far-flung hopes and improbable dreams are beautiful things, and that they are part of what motivate us to try harder, to push ourselves, and to achieve success.

But on the other hand, I can hear Albus Dumbledore echoing through my mind:


So even though I’m really, truly excited for the slight possibility that today could be the day I hear back from an agent, I’m not consumed by that.  I’m trying to balance.

Because honestly, my first three pages of my novel could be a little tighter.  My query could be a little more captivating.  Oh, and I have another book that’s in my heart, burning to be set free onto the page.  So my goal is to dream my improbable dreams and let them be my guide, but not lose sight of the work in front of me.

And that, my friends, is something that every writer – every person who wants to accomplish great things – must learn.


Part of this blog is about the sharing of information.  The writing community is all about looking out for each other and helping each other out, so while I’m on the subject of querying, I’d like to share two amazing resources I came across this week:

1. Query Letter Critiques by an Actual Legit Agent

While I was looking around for more agents and agencies, I discovered this agent who posts critiques of query letters that people submit to her for suggestions.  Yes, you heard right.  An actual, legit agent reviews of actual query letters.  Link here.

2.  A Beautiful Catalog of Agents

I’ve run across several catalogs of agents (basically where you can search by agent by genre or other criteria).  My favorite thus far is http://www.aaronline.org/ because it’s clean, easy, and fast.

CREDIT for these sources is at least partially due to this video (posted on the vlogbrothers channel on Youtube)

Whether you’re writing a first draft, editing, or querying like I now am, don’t quit.  Don’t give up.  Keep dreaming, keep working hard.  Being a writer isn’t easy, but it’s worth it.

3 thoughts on “Queries and Quests

  1. I second the positive attitude love! This is great, and the links to helpful suggestions is good too. 😉 Good luck!


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